Sue and Bill Tull: Investing in Staff Excellence

From the classroom to the boardroom, to the larger community of special education, Bill and Sue Tull brought their passion and support to Ivymount. For close to four decades, the Tulls helped ensure that Ivymount would not lack in resources, volunteers, community advocacy and careful stewardship.  Both Bill and Sue Tull served on the Board of Directors for several decades. Sue volunteered in the original St. Francis Library at Ivymount and in the classroom for more than 15 years.

Asked what inspired her to dedicate so much of her time to working with Ivymount students, Sue once told a colleague, “I came to learn and understand the power of a smile, a listening ear, and a sense of caring in changing how these children see their world and their future. It has been remarkably humbling and rewarding.” 

In 2005, the Tulls made an exceedingly generous and long-term commitment, establishing The Tull Fund to award grants to staff members who undertake projects that enhances their Ivymount program and potentially influences the broad special education community. Since then, Ivymount has awarded IvyShares fellowships to almost 500 staff members. The results of those projects have reinforced Ivymount’s standing as a nationally recognized special education facility while motivating Ivymount staff’s excellence.

“Sue’s dedication to students was at the heart of her commitment to promoting excellence through professional development opportunities and support for staff. She wanted students to receive the best possible educational and therapeutic services,” says Susan Holt, Executive director and CEO. “IvyShares awards honor the passion and caring that Sue and Bill shared for so many years with our students, families, and staff.” 

Learn more about how Ivymount staff are Sharing What Works with the field of special education and the wider community.

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